Monday, 19 September 2011

Research into similar videos

The Black Eyed Peas do quite a lot of Dance/Pop videos and one really good example is "Can't Get Enough". This video is set in and around Japan in many clubs, skyscrapers and on the streets, there is only one obvious point in the video which is at the end where they are in a studio filming on a set. This makes the whole video more involving and more real.
The clothes in this video are quite common to the "Black Eyed Peas" look, they where blacks and whites (and colours near these) and shiny plastics and metals which show up in the light and reflect colours.
The video uses a pre-recorded soundtrack with film footage of mouthing over the top to give it a the "real feel". The soundtrack used has been auto-tuned to give it a more digital effect to it.
The editing in this film is top quality, they uses jump cut but when putting it together they keep it to the beat so that it looks in time. In this video they use everything from fades to fast motion and there is no holding back on what they can do.

Lady GaGa's "Bad Romance" is quite different to the "Black Eyed Peas" song because it is set out in more on a messed up way. The lighting in this is very bright and consists of lots of whites and not so many dark colours, the costumes are all different in their own way to make it more unreal with different shapes and colours and colours. The whole thing is filmed in a studio on a set which is made out to be futuristic and clean with meses with the point of the song. The music and singing in this is pre-recorded which is quite common for these sort of videos and it has quite a up beat rhythem with a solid steady base. The Editing is quite special because it does not always keep in time with the beat which is not normal for a Dance/Pop video, the shots are quite normal, using mid shots and long shots as well as close-ups and using mostly simple editing such as fading.

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